Tuesday 17 January 2017

Feedback Summary


For our thriller piece, me and the group I am in gave a pitch showcasing our plot and target audience etc. proceeding this presentation, the audience whom we pitched to wrote positives and negatives for all areas that we established. All of these comments will be established in this feedback summary.


For our presentation, we received to most positive comments for the conventions of our idea. One of the main comments was that they liked 'the use of cross-cutting to contrast the juxtaposition of the office and the chase scene'. Thus, we will not alter the conventions of or idea.


Our responses regarding our pitch where inconsistent to say the least. A third of the feedback said that they were confused and that the pitch required more description. For this we will make the opening sequence captivating whilst be easy to follow so that the audience understand what is going.

Overall Dislikes

All of the dislikes displayed by the feedback we received will be all taken in consideration. these comments consisted of 'consider location' and finalise soundtrack and narration'. All of these comments will be taking on bored and we will take them in mind when improving our piece.


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