Tuesday 18 April 2017

9 Frame Analysis


The first frame of the film is the title screen. The white and grey writing is a good contrast to the black background. The gradient of the writing also has the 'discoloured' look to it. This could help set the genre of thriller.
This frame is a front-on-view of the ship. It is a long shot (LS) view of the ship coming out of mist. This has a good effect as the it builds anticipation of what might be coming out of the fog.

1) In the next frame you can see somebody hunched over,but only half of their body, as the wall is in the way of their head. the camera then changes to a close mid-shot, over the shoulder view into a mirror so you can see the characters face. It is still dark in the restroom, but there is a light source coming from the left of the screen. Its daylight not artificial light.

 2) The next frame is a mid-shot (MS) of the character turning around. His talking to himself. You can see his surroundings and his in a restroom of the ship. You can tell this because of the small round window where the light was coming through, and because of the small shelves, and sink.

3)Frame 5 is a Close up of him looking out the window side view. you can see his face and outside the window. He whispers to himself, and carries on staring out of the window. From seeing him talking to himself, this could mean he is mentally unstable, and could foreshadow what happens at the end of the film.

4)He quickly moves, you can then see a close up of him washing his hands in a small basin, and the camera moves upwards (pedestal movement) with a front on view of the character. He then splashes the water over his face, and walks out of the room.

5)The shot then changes, and its a LS view of him putting his jacket on and walking out of the toilet. The camera focus changes from being focused on the hanging chains to the character in the background. The camera pivots and follows the direction his walking in (pan). 6)While he walks, he pulls the rest of the jacket on.

7)The next frame is a mid-shot view of him coming through a metal doorway, into the daylight outside.

8) The camera flashes from him as a mid-shot frame, to another man standing outside by the edge of the ship in LS view.

9)And then back to him as mid shot view. His expression has changed to a slightly more angry or sinister expression.

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