Tuesday 18 April 2017

Who would be the audience for our media product and why?

Film Certification

For our opening sequence, 'Interline Industries', the film certification would be a 15+ as it containing moderate violence which is suitable for audiences above age 15 as they are mature enough to deal with mature themes. 

Research into Similar Products

As there are hundreds of thriller films rated 15+, it is obvious that there is a pre-existing audience. Stereotypically, males are more interested in themes of violence than females. Also, 'Limitless', rated 15+, also uses themes of drugs to a reasonable and similar standard to our product hence why we went with a similar film certification to cater for a similar audience. However, films like 'The Glass House' deals with moderate use of family friendly language leaving certain audience annoyed with the unrealistic factor. Although, 18A rated films like 'A Dangerous Method' deals with mature themes of like foul language with gore which certain target audiences might find crude.


To come up with a verdict for which film certification our product should be, I created a list of open questions like 'What would you expect to see in a 12/15/18b rated thriller?' to which the replies varied. The most common answer was that the 18 rated film to include mature themes and blood and gore but 15 rated film to include cruder language than the 12 rated films but less crude than 18 rated films. However, a common answer for the 12 rated films was to include immature themes whilst being reserved with violence, a convention of the thriller genre. 


To conclude, our target audience will be a primarily male audience aged from 15-20 as they are stereotypically interested in violence, which is featured in our product.

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