Tuesday 18 April 2017

'The Shining' Analysis

The opening credits to the film ‘The Shining’ conforms to, develops and also challenges thriller genre conventions with the use of specific camera angles, iconology, with the use of sound and in other ways.
One way in which the movie conforms to Thriller genre conventions is with the use of expected camera tilts and canted shots. This anticipated feature adds the usual uncomfortableness when watching a thriller. The canted/tilted shot makes the viewer feel disorientated and makes them think that someone in the film will be disturbed, out of control and a threat. The camera then slowly moves from a canted shot to hover above and follow a specific car. This focus on the Yellow Beatle car makes the audience recognize the significance that the characters within the car have. As the camera is following the car, we suspect the camera is treating them like the victim, another way in which the film conforms to thriller genre conventions; expected character type (victims). Also by the camera following them it implies to the viewers the expected narrative of being watched/followed will feature within the film.
‘The Shining’ again conforms to thriller genre conventions by using iconography which is expected- running water. During the opening sequence the camera shows that in the surrounding area there is water in a river, this can link and represent the draining of life. The running water builds enigma as it makes the viewers wonder what will happen to cause the draining of life. It also indicates to the audience that the expected themes of isolation and entrapment are included and is showing it is an uneasy place to get away from fast, putting the characters in the car in even more danger.
Another way in which this film conforms to the genre conventions is with the use of sound, in this case non-diegetic sound. When the camera reaches the large building in the sequence, there is a sound which sounds like crying. The crying builds an enigma and mystery as the audience wonders why there is a crying sound. It could suggest to the audience that in this building, bad things will happen causing pain and upset, but as the source of the sound is not shown on the screen it is a non-diegetic sound.
A way in which thriller genre conventions are developed is by using the colour blue as the writing font. Often expected within the opening credits is white, black or red writing as white can represent innocence and purity, red can indicate danger and black suggest mystery and darkness. The use of blue adds the unusual link to sadness and unhappiness. This could be suggesting to the audience that the victims will end up sad or the person/spirit is currently sad and unhappy and that’s why the characters in the car are in danger – it may be seeking revenge.
Features challenging the genre conventions were hard to find within this title sequence as at least one expected iconography, narrative, theme and character has been used. A usual occurrence in the title sequence is at least a person, often a main character, is shown/ appears in the title sequence, which doesn’t happen in this opening. It adds suspense to the movie as it keeps the audience guessing as to who is what type of character and what they will look like etc.
Another feature that also is an unusual feature within the opening credits to ‘The Shining’ is the editing and structure of the first few minutes is unlike most thriller openings. One second the car is in a one destination driving along and then in the next shot has jumped forward in time, skipping parts, almost like a film ellipsis.

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